
To foster a joyful English learning environment in order to arouse students’ interest in learning and enhance their ability for life-long learning.


1. To arouse students' interest in learning English through various learning activities.

2. To facilitate students' language skills which include listening, speaking, reading and writing through phonics teaching, story-reading and writing exercises.

3. To arouse students' interest in self-directed learning.

4. To strengthen students' reading strategies and their reading habits.

Professional Supports
  • Grant Scheme on Promoting Effective English Language Learning in Primary Schools (PEEGS)

The Grant Scheme on Promoting Effective English Language Learning in Primary Schools is launched by the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR). Our school joined the scheme and it helps strengthen our students reading skills.

  • STAR Programme

'STAR' is an online assessment repository designed by EDB. It helps teachers assess students' performance through a computer system by generating instant assessment reports for teachers as reference.

Our school joined the programme as a partner school. Teachers in P3 level attended workshops and integrated the assessments into the curriculum by using them as pre-tests and post-tests. Teachers made use of the e- resources for both KSI and KSII to enhance the teaching and learning.



Reading Workshop
  • Interesting readers including fictions and non-fictions have selected by our teachers and used as teaching materials in reading workshop. Local teachers and NETs co-teach in the class. Various activities are designed and carried out in the lessons. We create an environment for students to learn English in an enjoyable way.
English Activities

Students are exposed to different English activities for learning and applying English.

  • Morning Game
  • Story Telling and Role Play
  • Chinese New Year Cultural Week
  • Halloween
  • A Letter to the Santa Claus
  • Reading Buddy
  • English Ambassador Training
  • Drama Performance
  • 21st Century Cup National English Speaking Competition
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